Friday, February 24, 2012

Speaking of kids and the crap they say and do.....

My oldest son, bless his heart, does some really, uhh, interesting stuff.  I remember well an incident that happened about a year ago.  I walked into the bathroom and there sits a bottle of really old rogain.  Now, my husband does NOT use it anymore, he's moved on to finisteride, but I digress.  Okay, so there sits the rogain.  Later I go to my son's truck and sitting THERE was another bottle of rogain in his cup holder.  I panic.  After all, I'm a news junkie and I start thinking "Oh, my God, what are kids doing now-a-days with rogain? Do they sniff it, snort it, drink it, or WHAT?"  My mind was a total blank.  I was, literally, shaking.  I was thinking that my son was some kind of strange, new-age addict, hooked on some new "trendy" substance that did God only knows what.  Hadn't heard of this new thing with kids and rogain, but I was sure it couldn't be good.  Oh, and did I mention that said son, at the time, was 22 years old?  Yes.
Okay, so once I gathered my wits about me, I called his father.  Needless to say, he was zero help and had heard of no new trends with drugs, nor was he overly concerned.  So I then called my daughter, who, like me, had a "WTF"  attitude and, like her dad, was zero help, either.  So, being that I am a bit unbalanced by this whole thing, I called my son.  I proceeded to freak out on him, which he's quite used to at this stage of his life, and demand to know just what nefarious things he's been doing with rogain.  As only he could, he casually drawls, "Well, I've been using it to grow hair on my face, Mom."  Shit you not.  I thought I was going to have a heart attack just 30 seconds before, and now I'm, literally, rolling on the floor dying of laughter while  clutching my sides.  Yes, I was relieved, but I couldn't help but ask him, after it took me about 5 minutes to compose myself, "did it work"?
Yes, the shit my kids say and do!  Have a nice Mardi Gras weekend, y'all!  Hope you enjoyed yet another story from me, Mad Max!

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