Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My New Year's "Revolution" for 2012....

Yes, my pretty, you read that right.  Why "revolution", you ask?  Well, allow me to explain.  As it happens, every year, it's the same ole' same ole'.  I thought that this year, I might just try something different.  Something "revolutionary", if you will.  It's something that I have actually been thinking about for several months, really, because of the crazies in my ginormous family.  Ah yes, especially after having to call the prison warden in order to have her deliver a no contact order to my bat-shit crazay egg donor, but I digress.

So, to bring in the new year, people, my biggest "revolution" is to not pet the drama llama.  I've done that for so many years that Loni, the drama llama, got too damned comfy in and around the old homestead.  Loni took up so much space here that she practically had her own room, complete with bed, television and food dish!  It's not that Loni wasn't entertaining at times, (boy was she!), it's just that she was literally making me feel like the crazy was normal.  I mean, my cheese was sliding off my cracker, folks.  My cheese sliding had to come to an end!  She really needed to find a new home because this one was tired of her and all her baggage.   Oh, and the baggage!  She needed a whole damned U-Haul for that, lemme' tell ya'!

I'm not totally heartless, though.  I fully intended to load Loni and all her baggage into the U-Haul, but I awoke on January 1st, 2012 to find that Loni-the-good-time Llama had quietly left sometime before sunrise.  Sad, really, but I had gotten somewhat used to Loni and all the drama that came with her.  Yes, I know it'll take a bit getting used to her being gone, but I'm sure that she's found a new home.  I bet that she's even settling in nicely, too.  I mean, she IS entertaining, after all.  It's just that after awhile, she's, well, TOO entertaining.  

Good-bye, Loni-the-good-time-drama-llama!  Alas, I shall look back at all her antics and KNOW that this was, indeed, for the best.   Enjoy your new home, wherever it may be.  Know that your time with me left an indelible imprint on me that I shall not soon forget.